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朱劭骏,工学博士,上海市浦江人才计划获得者,同济大学土木工程学院建筑工程系助理教授(多高层钢结构及钢结构抗火研究室)。主要从事结构抗火结构智能设计与建造理论方面研究,具体研究方向包括大型钢结构建筑火灾倒塌预警杆系结构的形状及拓扑优化基于强化学习的杆系结构自主化设计等。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、上海市浦江人才计划1项、国家重点研发计划子课题2项,参与修订规范1部,发表SCI检索源期刊论文共53篇,发表EI检索源中文期刊论文共12篇,获授权发明专利3项。博士在读期间共获得3次博士研究生国家奖学金,且经国家留学基金委批准后以客座研究助理身份于日本京都大学进行了为期2年的交流(合作导师:大崎純 教授)。电子邮箱:zhushaojun@tongji.edu.cn



时间 地点 身份/学位
2012年9月 ~ 2016年6月 同济大学 土木工程学院 工学学士
2016年9月 ~ 2021年10月 同济大学 土木工程学院 建筑工程系 工学博士
2019年10月 ~ 2021年10月 京都大学 大学院 建筑学专攻 客座研究助理








基于结构火灾响应实测数据与深度循环神经网络,通过识别受火建筑的真实物理模型,提出了一种推算火灾下建筑难测关键位移的实时推算方法。 论文链接 论文PDF下载 开源代码下载


采用基于深度图神经网络的强化学习手段,定量评估对框架结构抗连续性倒塌具有关键作用的构件。点击图片可见一4跨5层框架结构的优化爆破拆除方案。 论文PDF下载


基于强化学习和图嵌入法进行二维桁架的自主拓扑生成,并基于基结构进行拓扑优化。点击图片可见一桁架基结构(基于6×3节点集)的前期自主生成过程。 论文链接









  1. 铝合金格构结构技术标准: DG/TJ-08-95-2020[S]. 上海: 同济大学出版社, 2020.(主要起草人23/26


注:* 表示通讯作者
  1. Ji W, Li G Q, Zhu S*, Li J, Qi H, Wang Y. Machine learning-driven real-time identification of large-space building fires and forecast of temperature development[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, 255: 124758.
  2. Wang Y, Li G Q, Zhu S*. Graph recurrent neural networks-integrated real-time prediction of key displacements for fire-induced collapse early warning of steel frames[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 163: 111942.
  3. Wu C, Jiang S, Zeng Q, Zhu S*. Probability model evolution laws and mechanisms of non-linear buckling capacity of single-layer spherical gridshells with topology-constrained initial imperfections[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 202: 112145.
  4. Wang Y, Li G Q, Zhu S*. Collapse modes and mechanisms of planar multi-story large-span steel frames under fire[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 94: 109924.
  5. Li J, Zhu S, Li G Q*, Zhang C, Chen B, Chen N, Yang X, Jiang L, Shan J, Qi H, Ji W, Wang Y. Data set for fire-induced collapse test on an existing building with a truss roof[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2024, 150(10): 04724003. Hot 开源数据集下载
  6. Qi H H, Li G Q*, Zhu S. Collapse analysis of restrained concrete-filled steel tubular columns in fire conditions[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2024, 146: 104174.
  7. Du Y, Wang L, Wang Y, Zhu S*, Li X. Elevated-temperature mechanical property and constitutive model of galvanized parallel wire strands[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2024, 145: 104136.
  8. Ji W, Li G Q*, Wang Y, Li J, Zhu S, Yang X, Chen B, Chen N, Chen P. Experimental and numerical study on fire-induced collapse of double-span steel portal frames[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2024, 143: 104059.
  9. Wang Y, Du Y, Zhu S*, Huang L. Anti-sliding performance of parallel wire strand clamps at elevated temperatures[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 212: 108302.
  10. Zeng Q, Ohsaki M, Zhang J, Zhu S, Li Z, Guo X*. Structured triangular mesh generation method for free-form gridshells based on conformal mapping and virtual interaction forces[J]. Engineering Structures, 2023, 295: 116879.
  11. Huang Y, Zhu S, Chen S*. Deep learning-driven super-resolution reconstruction of two-dimensional explosion pressure fields[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 78: 107620.
  12. Wang Y, Du Y, Zhu S*, Huang L. Elevated-temperature mechanical property and constitutive model of Galfan-coated and full-locked steel cables[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 211: 108146.
  13. Li J, Li G Q, Zhu S*. FAST-AlertNet: Early warning fire-induced collapse of large-span steel truss structures[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 126: 106891.
  14. Zhang C, Zhu S, Zong S, Sui Z, Guo X*. Experimental and numerical investigations on an assembled self-centering buckling-restrained brace with high post-yield stiffness[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 190: 110927.
  15. Du Y, Zhu D, Zhu S*. Experimental study on high-temperature creep behavior of full-locked and Galfan-coated steel cables[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2024, 36(1): 04023512.
  16. Guo X, Zhang J, Zeng Q*, Zhu S, Zong S. Performance-based optimal sensor placement method for single-layer reticulated shells considering modal observability and damage identifiability[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 188: 110809.
  17. Guo X, Zhang J, Zong S*, Zhu S. A fast-response-generation method for single-layer reticulated shells based on implicit parameter model of generative adversarial networks[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 72: 106563.
  18. Li G Q, Li J, Zhu S*. An approach for early-warning collapse of planar steel trapezoid trusses exposed to fire[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2023, 137: 103778.
  19. Ji W, Zhu S, Li G Q*, Chen B. Synchronous displacement acquisition approach for early warning of fire-induced collapse of steel portal frames[J]. Fire Technology, 2023, 59: 1613–1645.
  20. Huang L, Du Y, Zhu S*, Wang L. Material property and constitutive model of C120 hybrid fiber ultra-high performance concrete at elevated temperatures[J]. Structures, 2023, 50: 373-386.
  21. Du Y, Wu Y, Umar A M, Zhu S*. Elevated-temperature creep model of parallel wire strands[J]. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2023, 17(7): 1060-1071.
  22. Zeng Q, Zhu S, Li Z, Guo X*. Self-adaptive triangular mesh generation framework for free-form single-layer reticulated shells based on virtual interaction forces[J]. Automation in Construction, 2023, 148: 104750.
  23. Zeng Q, Guo X, Yang X, Zhu S*, Li Z. Constrained stochastic imperfection modal method for non-linear buckling analysis of single-layer reticulated shells[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2023, 149(3): 04022265.
  24. Zhu S, Cheng Z, Zhang C, Guo X*. Numerical analysis of aluminum alloy reticulated shells with gusset joints under fire conditions[J]. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2023, 17: 448–466. 论文PDF下载 (许可证: CC-BY-NC-ND)
  25. Liao H, Jiang S C*, Wang Y Z, Zhu S, Zhao X. Flexural behavior of clad rack beam-to-column bolted connections at high temperatures[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 197: 107506.
  26. Ji W, Li G Q, Zhu S*. Real-time prediction of key monitoring physical parameters for early warning of fire-induced building collapse[J]. Computers and Structures, 2022, 272: 106875. 论文PDF下载 开源代码下载
  27. Ji W, Zhu S, Li G Q*, Lou G, Jiang S. Approach for early-warning collapse of double-span steel portal frames induced by fire[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2022, 131: 103628. 论文PDF下载 (许可证: CC-BY-NC-ND)
  28. Liu W, Xu L, Zhu S*, Li L, Liu F, Xiong Z. Shape optimisation of aluminium alloy spherical reticulated shells considering nonlinearities[J]. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2022, 16(12): 1565-1580.
  29. Zhu S, Ohsaki M, Hayashi K, Zong S*, Guo X. Deep reinforcement learning-based critical element identification and demolition planning of frame structures[J]. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2022, 16(11): 1397‒1414. 论文PDF下载 (许可证: CC-BY-NC-ND)
  30. Zhu S, Ohsaki M, Hayashi K, Guo X*. Machine-specified ground structures for topology optimization of binary trusses using graph embedding policy network[J]. Advances in Engineering Software, 2021, 159: 103032. 论文PDF下载 (许可证: CC-BY-NC-ND)
  31. Wang X, Zhu S, Zeng Q, Guo X*. Improved multi-objective hybrid genetic algorithm for shape and size optimization of free-form latticed structures[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 43: 102902.
  32. Zhu S, Guo X*, Tang W, Gao S, Chen C. Temperature development of aluminum alloy members considering fire radiation[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 42: 102836.
  33. Zhu S, Ohsaki M, Zeng Q*, Guo X. Form-finding of aluminum alloy reticulated structures considering joint rigidity[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 242: 112618.
  34. Xiong Z, Zhu S*, Zou X, Guo S, Qiu Y, Li L. Elasto-plastic buckling behavior of aluminum alloy single-layer cylindrical shells[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 242: 112562.
  35. Guo X, Zhang J, Zhu S, Luo X*, Xu H. Damping characteristics of single-layer aluminum alloy reticulated spatial structures based on improved modal parameter identification method[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 164: 107822.
  36. Zhu S, Ohsaki M, Guo X*. Prediction of non-linear buckling load of imperfect reticulated shell using modified consistent imperfection and machine learning[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 226: 111374. 成果代码下载
  37. Guo X, Zhu S, Jiang S*, Zhang C, Chen C. Fire tests on single-layer aluminum alloy reticulated shells with gusset joints[J]. Structures, 2020, 28: 1137-1152.
  38. Guo X, Zeng Q, Zhu S*, Huang Z. Bearing capacity of bolted ball-cylinder joint under uniaxial tensile force[J]. Structures, 2020, 28: 562-576.
  39. Guo X, Zong S, Shen Z*, Zhu S, Yuan S. Mechanical behavior of in-service axial compression angle steel members strengthened by welding[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2020, 32: 101736.
  40. Zhu S, Guo X*, Jiang S, Zong S, Chen C. Experimental study on the fire-induced collapse of single-layer aluminum alloy reticulated shells with gusset joints[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2020, 146(12): 04020268.
  41. Jiang S, Zhu S*, Guo X, Chen C, Li Z. Safety monitoring system of steel truss structures in fire[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 172: 106216.
  42. Zhu S, Ohsaki M, Guo X*, Zeng Q. Shape optimization for non-linear buckling load of aluminum alloy reticulated shells with gusset joints[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 154: 106830.
  43. Jiang S, Zhu S, Guo X*, Li Z. Full-scale fire tests on steel roof truss structures[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 169: 106025.
  44. Luo J, Zong S, Zhu S, Guo X*, Yu M. Mechanical behavior of Q690 high-strength steel beams at room and elevated temperatures[J]. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2020, 29(5): e1712.
  45. Guo X, Zong S, Gao S*, Zhu S, Zhang Y. Ductile failure of occlusive high strength bolt connections under shear force[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 168: 105982.
  46. Guo X, Tao L, Zhu S*, Zong S. Experimental investigation of mechanical properties of aluminum alloy at high and low temperatures[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(2): 06019016.
  47. Guo X, Zhu S*, Liu X, Liu L. Experimental study on hysteretic behavior of aluminum alloy gusset joints[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 131: 883-901.
  48. Zhu S, Guo X*, Liu X, Jiang S. Bearing capacity of aluminum alloy members under eccentric compression at elevated temperatures[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 127: 574-587.
  49. Guo X, Zhu S, Liu X*, Wang K. Study on out-of-plane flexural behavior of aluminum alloy gusset joints at elevated temperatures[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 123: 452-466.
  50. Zhu S, Guo X*, Liu X, Gao S. The in-plane effective length of members in aluminum alloy reticulated shell with gusset joints[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 123: 483-491.
  51. Jiang S, Guo X, Xiong Z*, Cai Y, Zhu S. Experimental studies on behaviour of tubular T-joints reinforced with grouted sleeve[J]. Steel and Composite Structures, 2017, 23(5): 585-596.
  52. Xiong Z, Guo X*, Luo Y, Zhu S, Liu Y. Experimental and numerical studies on single-layer reticulated shells with aluminium alloy gusset joints[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 118: 124-136.
  53. Xiong Z, Guo X*, Luo Y, Zhu S. Elasto-plastic stability of single-layer reticulated shells with aluminium alloy gusset joints[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 115: 163-175.


注:* 表示通讯作者
  1. 朱劭骏, 张婷娜, 宋林昕, 李晋宇, 李国强*, 蒋首超, 楼国彪. 确定火灾下轴心受压约束钢构件临界温度的实用方法[J]. 建筑钢结构进展, 202x. (已录用)
  2. 穆弘, 汪和龙, 杨臻, 朱灿, 张金锋, 李璐, 于晓蕾, 陈琛, 朱劭骏*. 多舱体系变电站模块化布局及其方案智能生成方法[J]. 科技通报, 202x. (已录用)
  3. 曾强, 朱劭骏*, 杨旭, 吴晨宇. 单层网壳结构初始几何缺陷场模拟方法研究进展[J]. 建筑钢结构进展, 202x. (已录用)
  4. 李晋宇, 李国强, 朱劭骏*. 平面三角形桁架和Warren平行弦桁架结构火灾下倒塌预警方法[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2024, 45(7): 131-142.
  5. 常明媛, 朱劭骏*, 陈韬, 陈琛, 钱昆, 王一凡. 模块化钢结构建筑平面布局方案智能生成式设计方法[J]. 建筑钢结构进展, 2024, 26(2): 83-89.


  1. Li J, Li G Q, Zhu S, Ji W, Wang Y, Qi H. Experimental and numerical investigation on collapse modes and mechanisms of planar steel triangle trusses exposed to fire[A]// Proceedings of SiF 2024 – The 13th International Conference on Structures in Fire[C]. Coimbra: University of Coimbra, 2024.
  2. Wang Y, Li G Q, Zhu S, Zheng X. Fire-induced collapse early-warning method for planar multi-story steel frame structures[A]// Proceedings of SiF 2024 – The 13th International Conference on Structures in Fire[C]. Coimbra: University of Coimbra, 2024.
  3. Ji W, Li G Q, Zhu S, Du Y, Liu Z. Deep learning-driven real-time prediction of fire-induced collapse of steel portal frames[A]// Proceedings of SiF 2024 – The 13th International Conference on Structures in Fire[C]. Coimbra: University of Coimbra, 2024.
  4. Wu C, Jiang S, Zhu S. Probability model of non-linear buckling capacity of single-layer reticulated shells using constrained stochastic imperfection modal method[A]// Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia[C]. Zurich: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2024.
  5. Zhu S, Zeng Q, Yang X, Wu C. State-of-the-art review of initial imperfection field simulation methods for single-layer gridshells[A]// Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia[C]. Melbourne: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2023.
  6. Zong S, Guo X, Zhu S, Zeng Q, Chen Y. Application of a computer aided design program for shells with aluminum alloy gusset joints - Case study[A]// Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia[C]. Barcelona: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2019.
  7. Zhu S, Guo X, Gao Z, Tao L. Experimental research on mechanical property of aluminum alloy at elevated temperatures[A]// Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia[C], Hamburg: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2017.


  1. 同济大学. 同济大学优秀学生标兵, 2020.
  2. 中华人民共和国教育部. 博士研究生国家奖学金, 2020.
  3. 中华人民共和国教育部. 博士研究生国家奖学金, 2018.
  4. 同济大学. 同济大学高耸结构奖学金, 2017.
  5. 中华人民共和国教育部. 博士研究生国家奖学金, 2016.


  1. 国家重点研发计划, 2023YFC3806602, 模块集成建筑建造关键技术研究与应用(课题:高层模块集成建筑体系及抗震/抗风韧性设计方法,子课题:高层模块集成建筑交互集成式设计方法), 2023/12-2027/11, 主持.
  2. 国家重点研发计划, 2022YFC3801904, 高效能标准化钢结构体系与应用关键技术(课题:防灾性能好、舒适度高的钢结构体系标准化关键技术研究,子课题:轧制型钢结构抗火性能提升标准化关键技术), 2022/11-2026/10, 主持.
  3. 上海市浦江人才计划, 22PJ1414000, 大型钢结构建筑火灾倒塌智能实时预警理论与方法研究, 2022/10-2024/09, 主持.
  4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 52208196, 基于深度学习的拓扑约束下缺陷单层网壳稳定承载力演化规律与概率模型研究, 2023/01-2025/12, 主持.
  5. 工程咨询项目, 上海天文馆铝合金穹顶结构节点深化设计, 2017/10-2018/05, 已结题, 项目骨干.
  6. 工程咨询项目, 复合腔体构件加固盾构隧道应用研究, 2016/01-2017/12, 已结题, 项目骨干.
  7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 51478335, 铝合金板式节点网壳结构高温承载性能研究, 2015/01-2018/12, 已结题, 项目骨干.


  1. Journal of Structural Engineering
  2. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  3. Journal of Building Engineering
  4. Journal of Constructional Steel Research
  5. Engineering Structures
  6. Thin-Walled Structures
  7. Steel and Composite Structures
  8. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
  9. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
  10. Fire
  11. Sensors
  12. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
  13. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
  14. Case Studies in Construction Materials
  15. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
  16. Cogent Engineering
  17. Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  18. Heliyon
  19. Applied Sciences
  20. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies
  21. Welding in the World
  22. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
  23. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)
  24. Journal of Engineering Research
  25. 东南大学学报(自然科学版)
  26. 土木与环境工程学报(中英文)
  27. 结构工程师
