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Shaojun Zhu, Doctor of Engineering, Shanghai Pujiang Scholar, Assistant Professor of Department of Structural Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University. He majors in the research on smart firefighting and smart structural design. Specific research topics include early warning of fire-induced collapse of large steel structures, shape and topology optimization of skeleton structures, and reinforcement learning-driven automatic design of structures. He hosted 1 project sponsored by the National Science Foundation of China, 1 project sponsored by the Shanghai Pujiang Program, and 2 secondary project sponsored by the National Key Research and Development Program of China, participated in the revision of 1 standard, published 56 journal papers indexed by SCI, published 12 Chinese journal papers indexed by EI, and got 3 patents granted. During his Ph.D. period, he was awarded by the National Scholarship of China 3 times, and he visited Kyoto University as a guest research associate for 2 years funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council (supervised by Prof. Makoto Ohsaki). His E-mail is: zhushaojun@tongji.edu.cn

Last update of this page:December 17th, 2024

Educational history

Duration Location Identity / Degree
2012.09 ~ 2016.06 College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University Bachelor of Engineering
2016.09 ~ 2021.10 Department of Structural Engineering, Tongji University Doctor of Engineering
2019.10 ~ 2021.10 Department of Architectural and Architecture Enigeering, Kyoto University Guest Research Associate

Recent research

Constrained Stochastic Imperfection Modal Method

Based on virtual interation forces, the structural topology constraint is considered, and the constrained stochastic imperfection modal method is proposed for single-layer reticulated shells with controllable computational cost and reasonable accuracy. Journal paper

Early-warning Collapse of Planar Steel Trusses

Through parametric analysis, all collapse modes and mechanisms of planar steel truss structures under arbitrary conditions are summarized, and an early-warning method for fire-induced collapse is proposed based on the evolution laws of key physical parameters (joint displacement and displacement velocities). Journal paper

DNN-driven Real-time Displacement Prediction

Based on the measured data of structural fire response and deep LSTM neural networks, the real physical model of the fire-stricken building is identified, and a real-time prediction method for hard-to-measure critical displacement of the building under fire is proposed. Journal paper Codes

Critical Element Identification of Frames

A quantitative approach is proposed for identification of critical element identification of frame structures against progressive collapse, based on deep graph neural networks and reinforcement learning. Click the figure to see the optimized demolition plan for a 4×5 frame. Accepted manuscript

Machine-specified Ground Structure Method

The topology of 2D truss structures can be self-generated using the graph embedding and the policy network. The self-generated topologies are further utilized to generate the machine-specified ground structure, which can be applied to solve topology optimization problems with singular optimal solutions. Click the figure to see the self-generation process of a truss based on a 6×3 node-set. Journal paper

Form-finding of Aluminum Alloy Reticulated Structures

A quantitative index to evaluate the constructional convenience of free-form aluminum alloy reticulated shells is proposed considering the details of the aluminum alloy gusset joint. A form-finding method of the free-form shells is proposed based on the index mentioned above. Journal paper

Prediction of Buckling Load of Imperfect Reticulated Shell using Machine Learning

The consistent imperfection method is modified according to the specification on the constructional errors. Based on the modified consistent imperfection method and supervised machine learning, a prediction method of the non-linear buckling load of imperfect spatial structures with low calculation cost is proposed. Journal paper

Shape Optimization for Aluminum Alloy Reticulated Shells

A shape optimization method of aluminum alloy shells considering joint rigidity is proposed by means of the genetic algorithm. The method can improve the non-linear buckling load of a spherical shell without significantly change its geometric appearance. Journal paper link


  1. Machine-specified Ground Structures for Topology Optimization of Binary Trusses
    Summer Seminar 2021 (シェルと空間構造に関する夏期セミナー2021)
  2. Real-time Early Warning of Fire-Induced Collapse of Steel Building Structures: Theory and Test Validation
    1st International Conference on Engineering Structures (2024)


  1. Technical Standard for Aluminum Alloy Reticulated Structures: DG/TJ-08-95-2020. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2020. (Drafter 23 / 26)

International Journal Papers

Note: * indicates the corresponding author.
  1. Wu C, Jiang S, Zhu S*. GRIDSNET: A graph neural network approach to predicting nonlinear buckling capacity of imperfect single-layer gridshells. Thin-Walled Structures, 202x. (accepted for publication)
  2. Li G Q, Li J, Zhu S*, Zhang C, Chen B, Ji W, Wang Y, Chen N, Qi H, Yang X, Jiang L, Nie Y, Luo Q. An experiment on a real building with truss roof to validate real-time early-warning system for fire-induced collapse. Fire Technology, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10694-024-01671-0
  3. Li J, Zhu S, Ji W, Li G Q*, Wang Y, Qi H. Development of high-temperature resistant inclinometers for structural displacement acquisition of the buildings subjected to fire. Fire Technology, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10694-024-01665-y.
  4. Ji W, Li G Q, Zhu S*, Li J, Qi H, Wang Y. Machine learning-driven real-time identification of large-space building fires and forecast of temperature development. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, 255: 124758.
  5. Wang Y, Li G Q, Zhu S*. Graph recurrent neural networks-integrated real-time prediction of key displacements for fire-induced collapse early warning of steel frames. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 163: 111942.
  6. Wu C, Jiang S, Zeng Qiang, Zhu S*. Probability model evolution laws and mechanisms of non-linear buckling capacity of single-layer spherical gridshells with topology-constrained initial imperfections. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 202: 112145.
  7. Wang Y, Li G Q, Zhu S*. Collapse modes and mechanisms of planar multi-story large-span steel frames under fire. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 94: 109924.
  8. Li J, Zhu S, Li G Q*, Zhang C, Chen B, Chen N, Yang X, Jiang L, Shan J, Qi H, Ji W, Wang Y. Data set for fire-induced collapse test on an existing building with a truss roof. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2024, 150(10): 04724003. Hot Download open access test data
  9. Qi H H, Li G Q*, Zhu S. Collapse analysis of restrained concrete-filled steel tubular columns in fire conditions. Fire Safety Journal, 2024, 146: 104174.
  10. Du Y, Wang L, Wang Y, Zhu S*, Li X. Elevated-temperature mechanical property and constitutive model of galvanized parallel wire strands. Fire Safety Journal, 2024, 145: 104136.
  11. Ji W, Li G Q*, Wang Y, Li J, Zhu S, Yang X, Chen B, Chen N, Chen P. Experimental and numerical study on fire-induced collapse of double-span steel portal frames. Fire Safety Journal, 2024, 143: 104059.
  12. Wang Y, Du Y, Zhu S*, Huang L. Anti-sliding performance of parallel wire strand clamps at elevated temperatures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 212: 108302.
  13. Zeng Q, Ohsaki M, Zhang J, Zhu S, Li Z, Guo X*. Structured triangular mesh generation method for free-form gridshells based on conformal mapping and virtual interaction forces. Engineering Structures, 2023, 295: 116879.
  14. Huang Y, Zhu S, Chen S*. Deep learning-driven super-resolution reconstruction of two-dimensional explosion pressure fields. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 78: 107620.
  15. Wang Y, Du Y, Zhu S*, Huang L. Elevated-temperature mechanical property and constitutive model of Galfan-coated and full-locked steel cables. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 211: 108146.
  16. Li J, Li G Q, Zhu S*. FAST-AlertNet: Early warning fire-induced collapse of large-span steel truss structures. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 126: 106891.
  17. Zhang C, Zhu S, Zong S, Sui Z, Guo X*. Experimental and numerical investigations on an assembled self-centering buckling-restrained brace with high post-yield stiffness. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 190: 110927.
  18. Wang Y, Du Y, Zhu S*, Huang L. Elevated-temperature mechanical property and constitutive model of Galfan-coated and full-locked steel cables. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 211: 108146.
  19. Guo X, Zhang J, Zeng Q*, Zhu S, Zong S. Performance-based optimal sensor placement method for single-layer reticulated shells considering modal observability and damage identifiability. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 188: 110809.
  20. Guo X, Zhang J, Zong S*, Zhu S. A fast-response-generation method for single-layer reticulated shells based on implicit parameter model of generative adversarial networks. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 72: 106563.
  21. Li G Q, Li J, Zhu S*. An approach for early-warning collapse of planar steel trapezoid trusses exposed to fire. Fire Safety Journal, 2023, 137: 103778.
  22. Ji W, Zhu S, Li G Q*, Chen B. Synchronous displacement acquisition approach for early warning of fire-induced collapse of steel portal frames. Fire Technology, 2023, 59: 1613–1645.
  23. Huang L, Du Y, Zhu S*, Wang L. Material property and constitutive model of C120 hybrid fiber ultra-high performance concrete at elevated temperatures. Structures, 2023, 50: 373-386.
  24. Du Y, Wu Y, Umar A M, Zhu S*. Elevated-temperature creep model of parallel wire strands. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2023, 17(7): 1060-1071.
  25. Zeng Q, Zhu S, Li Z, Guo X*. Self-adaptive triangular mesh generation framework for free-form single-layer reticulated shells based on virtual interaction forces. Automation in Construction, 2023, 148: 104750.
  26. Zeng Q, Guo X, Yang X, Zhu S*, Li Z. Constrained stochastic imperfection modal method for non-linear buckling analysis of single-layer reticulated shells. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2023, 149(3): 04022265.
  27. Zhu S, Cheng Z, Zhang C, Guo X*. Numerical analysis of aluminum alloy reticulated shells with gusset joints under fire conditions. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2023, 17: 448–466. Download accepted manuscript (license: CC-BY-NC-ND)
  28. Liao H, Jiang S C*, Wang Y Z, Zhu S, Zhao X. Flexural behavior of clad rack beam-to-column bolted connections at high temperatures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 197: 107506.
  29. Ji W, Li G Q, Zhu S*. Real-time prediction of key monitoring physical parameters for early warning of fire-induced building collapse. Computers and Structures, 2022, 272: 106875. Download accepted manuscript (license: CC-BY-NC-ND) Download source codes
  30. Ji W, Zhu S, Li G Q*, Lou G, Jiang S. Approach for early-warning collapse of double-span steel portal frames induced by fire. Fire Safety Journal, 2022, 131: 103628. Download accepted manuscript (license: CC-BY-NC-ND)
  31. Liu W, Xu L, Zhu S*, Li L, Liu F, Xiong Z. Shape optimisation of aluminium alloy spherical reticulated shells considering nonlinearities. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2022, 16(12): 1565-1580.
  32. Zhu S, Ohsaki M, Hayashi K, Zong S*, Guo X. Deep reinforcement learning-based critical element identification and demolition planning of frame structures. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2022, 16(11): 1397‒1414. Download accepted manuscript (license: CC-BY-NC-ND)
  33. Zhu S, Ohsaki M, Hayashi K, Guo X*. Machine-specified ground structures for topology optimization of binary trusses using graph embedding policy network. Advances in Engineering Software, 2021, 159: 103032. Download accepted manuscript (license: CC-BY-NC-ND)
  34. Wang X, Zhu S, Zeng Q, Guo X*. Improved multi-objective hybrid genetic algorithm for shape and size optimization of free-form latticed structures. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 43: 102902.
  35. Zhu S, Guo X*, Tang W, Gao S, Chen C. Temperature development of aluminum alloy members considering fire radiation. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 42: 102836.
  36. Zhu S, Ohsaki M, Zeng Q*, Guo X. Form-finding of aluminum alloy reticulated structures considering joint rigidity. Engineering Structures, 2021, 242: 112618.
  37. Xiong Z, Zhu S*, Zou X, Guo S, Qiu Y, Li L. Elasto-plastic buckling behavior of aluminum alloy single-layer cylindrical shells. Engineering Structures, 2021, 242: 112562.
  38. Guo X, Zhang J, Zhu S, Luo X*, Xu H. Damping characteristics of single-layer aluminum alloy reticulated spatial structures based on improved modal parameter identification method. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 164: 107822.
  39. Zhu S, Ohsaki M, Guo X*. Prediction of non-linear buckling load of imperfect reticulated shell using modified consistent imperfection and machine learning. Engineering Structures, 2021, 226: 111374. Download codes of this research
  40. Guo X, Zhu S, Jiang S*, Zhang C, Chen C. Fire tests on single-layer aluminum alloy reticulated shells with gusset joints. Structures, 2020, 28: 1137-1152.
  41. Guo X, Zeng Q, Zhu S*, Huang Z. Bearing capacity of bolted ball-cylinder joint under uniaxial tensile force. Structures, 2020, 28: 562-576.
  42. Guo X, Zong S, Shen Z*, Zhu S, Yuan S. Mechanical behavior of in-service axial compression angle steel members strengthened by welding. Journal of Building Engineering, 2020, 32: 101736.
  43. Zhu S, Guo X*, Jiang S, Zong S, Chen C. Experimental study on the fire-induced collapse of single-layer aluminum alloy reticulated shells with gusset joints. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2020, 146(12): 04020268.
  44. Jiang S, Zhu S*, Guo X, Chen C, Li Z. Safety monitoring system of steel truss structures in fire. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 172: 106216.
  45. Zhu S, Ohsaki M, Guo X*, Zeng Q. Shape optimization for non-linear buckling load of aluminum alloy reticulated shells with gusset joints. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 154: 106830.
  46. Jiang S, Zhu S, Guo X*, Li Z. Full-scale fire tests on steel roof truss structures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 169: 106025.
  47. Luo J, Zong S, Zhu S, Guo X*, Yu M. Mechanical behavior of Q690 high-strength steel beams at room and elevated temperatures. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2020, 29(5): e1712.
  48. Guo X, Zong S, Gao S*, Zhu S, Zhang Y. Ductile failure of occlusive high strength bolt connections under shear force. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 168: 105982.
  49. Guo X, Tao L, Zhu S*, Zong S. Experimental investigation of mechanical properties of aluminum alloy at high and low temperatures. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(2): 06019016.
  50. Guo X, Zhu S*, Liu X, Liu L. Experimental study on hysteretic behavior of aluminum alloy gusset joints. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 131: 883-901.
  51. Zhu S, Guo X*, Liu X, Jiang S. Bearing capacity of aluminum alloy members under eccentric compression at elevated temperatures. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 127: 574-587.
  52. Guo X, Zhu S, Liu X*, Wang K. Study on out-of-plane flexural behavior of aluminum alloy gusset joints at elevated temperatures. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 123: 452-466.
  53. Zhu S, Guo X*, Liu X, Gao S. The in-plane effective length of members in aluminum alloy reticulated shell with gusset joints. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 123: 483-491.
  54. Jiang S, Guo X, Xiong Z*, Cai Y, Zhu S. Experimental studies on behaviour of tubular T-joints reinforced with grouted sleeve. Steel and Composite Structures, 2017, 23(5): 585-596.
  55. Xiong Z, Guo X*, Luo Y, Zhu S, Liu Y. Experimental and numerical studies on single-layer reticulated shells with aluminium alloy gusset joints. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 118: 124-136.
  56. Xiong Z, Guo X*, Luo Y, Zhu S. Elasto-plastic stability of single-layer reticulated shells with aluminium alloy gusset joints. Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 115: 163-175.

Chinese Journal Papers

Note: * indicates the corresponding author.
  1. Chen X, Liu Z, Mu H, Fan Y, Jin X, Zhang J, Liu C, Wang Y*, Chen C, Zhu S. Experimental study on the fire resistance of additional fireproof layers in multi-compartment system steel structure substations. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 202x. (in Chinese, accepted for publication)
  2. Zhu S, Zhang T, Song L, Li J, Li G Q*, Jiang S, Lou G. Practical approach for determining critical temperatures of constrained steel members under axial compression and fire conditions. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 202x. (in Chinese, accepted for publication)
  3. Mu H, Wang H, Yang Z, Zhu C, Zhang J, Li L, Yu X, Chen C, Zhu S*. Modular layout and intelligent generation method for multi-compartment system substations. Bulletin of Science and Technology, 2024, 40(9): 36-42,86.
  4. Zeng Q, Zhu S*, Yang X, Wu C. Research progress on simulation methods of initial geometric imperfection fields of single-layer gridshells. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2024, 26(5): 12-21. (in Chinese)
  5. Li J, Li G Q, Zhu S*. Research on early-warning method for fire-induced collapse of planar steel triangle and Warren trusses. Journal of Building Structures, 2024, 45(7): 131-142. (in Chinese)
  6. Chang M, Zhu S*, Chen T, Chen C, Qian K, Wang Y. Intelligent generative method for planar layout of modular steel building structures. Progress in Steel Building Structures, 2024, 26(2): 83-89. (in Chinese)

Conference Papers

  1. Li J, Li G Q, Zhu S, Ji W, Wang Y, Qi H. Experimental and numerical investigation on collapse modes and mechanisms of planar steel triangle trusses exposed to fire// Proceedings of SiF 2024 – The 13th International Conference on Structures in Fire. Coimbra: University of Coimbra, 2024.
  2. Wang Y, Li G Q, Zhu S, Zheng X. Fire-induced collapse early-warning method for planar multi-story steel frame structures// Proceedings of SiF 2024 – The 13th International Conference on Structures in Fire. Coimbra: University of Coimbra, 2024.
  3. Ji W, Li G Q, Zhu S, Du Y, Liu Z. Deep learning-driven real-time prediction of fire-induced collapse of steel portal frames// Proceedings of SiF 2024 – The 13th International Conference on Structures in Fire. Coimbra: University of Coimbra, 2024.
  4. Wu C, Jiang S, Zhu S. Probability model of non-linear buckling capacity of single-layer reticulated shells using constrained stochastic imperfection modal method// Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia. Zurich: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2024.
  5. Zhu S, Zeng Q, Yang X, Wu C. State-of-the-art review of initial imperfection field simulation methods for single-layer gridshells// Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia. Melbourne: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2023.
  6. Zong S, Guo X, Zhu S, Zeng Q, Chen Y. Application of a computer aided design program for shells with aluminum alloy gusset joints - Case study// Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia. Barcelona: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2019.
  7. Zhu S, Guo X, Gao Z, Tao L. Experimental research on mechanical property of aluminum alloy at elevated temperatures// Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia, Hamburg: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2017.


  1. Tongji University. Outstanding Student, 2020.
  2. Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. National Scholarship of Doctoral Students, 2020.
  3. Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. National Scholarship of Doctoral Students, 2018.
  4. Tongji University. Scholarship of High-rise Structures, 2017.
  5. Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. National Scholarship of Doctoral Students, 2016.

Journal Reviewer

  1. Journal of Structural Engineering
  2. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  3. Journal of Building Engineering
  4. Journal of Constructional Steel Research
  5. Engineering Structures
  6. Thin-Walled Structures
  7. Steel and Composite Structures
  8. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
  9. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
  10. Fire
  11. Sensors
  12. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
  13. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
  14. Case Studies in Construction Materials
  15. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
  16. Cogent Engineering
  17. Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  18. Heliyon
  19. Applied Sciences
  20. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies
  21. Welding in the World
  22. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
  23. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)
  24. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering
  25. Journal of Engineering Research
  26. Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Chinese and English Edition)
  27. Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition)
  28. Structural Engineers (Chinese Edition)


  1. National Key Research and Development Program of China, 2023YFC3806602, Research and application of key technologies for modular integrated building construction (sub-project: High-rise modular integrated building system and seismic/wind-resistant resilience design method, secondary-project: Interactive integrated design method for high-rise modular integrated buildings), 2023/12-2027/11, Host (secondary project).
  2. National Key Research and Development Program of China, 2022YFC3801904, High-efficiency standardized steel structural system and key application technologies (sub-project: Key technologies for standardized steel structural systems with favorable disaster prevention performance and high comfort, secondary-project: Standardized key technologies for improving fire resistance of rolled steel structures), 2022/11-2026/10, Host (secondary project).
  3. Shanghai Pujiang Scholar Program, 22PJ1414000, Intelligent real-time early warning theory and method for fire-induced collapse of large-scale steel structures, 2022/10-2024/09, Host.
  4. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Science Project), 52208196, Evolution law and probability model of buckling capacity of imperfect single-layer reticulated shells under topology constraints based on deep learning, 2023/01-2025/12, Host.
  5. Enterprise Funded Project, Detailed design of aluminum alloy gusset joints in the Shanghai Planetarium, 2017/10-2018/05, Completed, Major participant.
  6. Enterprise Funded Project, Research on shield tunnel composite cavity reinforcement, 2016/01-2017/12, Completed, Major participant.
  7. National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Project), 51478335, Mechanical behavior of aluminum alloy reticulated shell of gusset plate joints at elevated temperatures, 2015/01-2018/12, Completed, Major participant.